Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Wii U
Free eShop Download Codes
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Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is Action-adventure video game for wiiu to be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment under license from Lucasfilm. Players can now engage in intense Blaster Battles, seeking cover behind nearby objects and structures, which is a first for a LEGO game. Characters can then pop out from the safety of cover to fight enemies with blaster fire. Set between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens the latest LEGO game will provide “additional insight” about The Force Awakens and its characters. The game features multiple playable characters, including Rey, Finn, Captain Phasma, Poe Dameron, Han Solo, Kylo Ren and droids, including C-3PO and BB-8, and locations, including Jakku and Starkiller Base.
How to Redeem a Download Code:
-From the HOME Menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
-Select “Settings / Other,” then select “Redeem Download Code.”
-Tap the box that says, “Enter a download code.”
-Use the touchscreen to enter the download code and tap “OK.”
-Tap “OK” again.
-Select “Download Later” or “Download Now.”
Download Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens code
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when you complete the survey correctly the download will unlock automatically
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Wii U is the all-new home console from Nintendo. The Wii U is the next big innovation from Nintendo; with a remote controller. The Wii U uses the Nintendo Network platform for online services (replacing the friend code system of the Wii), enabling online multiplayer, downloading and purchasing games or apps via Nintendo eShop, video chat using the GamePad’s camera and the Wii U Chat service, and other services. The Wii U is compatible with most Wii games. Wii accessories such as the Wii Remote Although. Wii games can be displayed using the GamePad, the user must use a Wii controller, and not the GamePad, to play.