NieR: Automata Free Switch Redeem Code
NieR: Automata – The End of YoRHa Edition is an open world RPG game that takes place in a distant, post-apocalyptic future where there are no more humans on Earth. The gaming environment is diversified, emphasizing at every turn that nothing in life is black and white.
NieR: Automata Switch Download Code
NieR: Automata Nintendo Switch Digital Code
Players first play as an android, model 2B. Androids are network-connected, and they can save their present consciousness to the network so that if their body is destroyed, the preserved consciousness can be loaded onto a new body. 2B repeats like a mantra that computers don’t have feelings because they merely mimic human behavior blindly. But when we witness a robot kneeling over a cradle and singing a mournful tune, our suspicions intensify. Such scenarios abound, and this is one of the game’s strongest points. The plot of Automata is amazing. The authors have planned many surprises and endings, but we must refrain from further disclosure due to the importance of every detail. One adventure is not enough to discover everything about this world and its inhabitants. Automatic healing, a rise in the damage we cause, and even some interface features are among the abilities and skills available to us.
NieR: Automata Nintendo Free Download Code